Corporate Responsibility
At Sync InfoSec, we treat our customers, suppliers, business contacts and employees with respect and courtesy. We work ethically and responsibly, adhering to industry codes of practice and following accredited quality management procedures.
Environmental policy Statement
Sync InfoSec llc (the ‘Organization’) recognizes the importance of environmental protection and is committed to operating its business responsibly and in compliance with all legal requirements relating to the provision of information security and associated services. It is the Organization’s declared policy to operate with and to maintain good relations with all regulatory bodies.
It is the Organization’s objective to carry out all measures reasonably practicable to meet, exceed or develop all necessary or desirable requirements and to continually improve environmental performance through the implementation of the following:
- Assess and regularly re-assess the environmental effects of the Organization’s activities
- Training of employees in environmental issues
- Minimize the production of waste
- Minimize material wastage
- Minimize energy wastage
- Promote the use of recyclable and renewable materials
- Reduce and/or limit the production of pollutants to water, land and air
- Control noise emissions from operations
- Minimize the risk to the general public and employees from operations and activities undertaken by the Organization